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Travellingforfun Videos

Travelling for Fun: A spectacular sunrise over Aiguille du Midi when I descended from the summit of Mont Blanc

Travelling for Fun: Negotiating a few crevices on the decent of Mont Blanc

Travelling for Fun: A very cute baby gorilla learning to walk that I took when trekking in Rwanda

Travelling for Fun: The Amazing floats made entirely of flowers in the Flower Parade in Haarlem, Holland

Travelling for Fun: Slopestyle at the Winter Olympics in Sochi 2014, Russia

Travelling for Fun: Whale Sharks and Manta Rays feed on plankton in the Gulf of Mexico

Travelling for fun: In Ras Al Jinz, Oman, a green turtle mother returns to the sea at dawn after laying eggs on the beach

Travelling for fun: In Greenland near Ilullisat dog sledding on an icefjord just off Disko Bay


Travelling for fun: Peering into the Irte Ale volcano in the Danakil Depression in the Afar region of Ethiopia near Mekele.

Travelling for fun: Cuttlefish in the Daymaniyat Islands Nature Reserve off the coast of Oman


Travelling for fun: Taking an unexpected dip at the Moeraki Boulders in New Zealand.

Travelling for fun: A goat fish looking for food in-between grains of sand in the Red Sea. Not exactly professional camera work from me but interesting how for once the fish didn’t swim away.

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About the Author

Ross Travellingforfun I have ducked, dived, bungeed, burned, skydived, surfed, volunteered, volcanoed, crossed continents, conquered mountains, got robbed, got sick and got drunk and I hope this website will inspire you to do the same.